Saturday, December 7, 2013

Baby it's cold outside...

Currently it's -35 degrees Fahrenheit in Havre, Montana.  Outside is eerie...still, quiet, and billowing vapor from all the furnaces and boilers working overtime.  Dolan and I were driving home, and saw a black cat running VERY fast (you could tell it did not want its paws to touch the icy ground), and a lonely tagged dog running across the street.  We were sad for all the animals outside tonight in this weather. 

Dolan said if he ever wins the lottery, he will have a big house, with a big barn to welcome all animals in on nights like this.  First he'll bring in all the deer, then the predators should happily follow!  (He wasn't hoping for carnage; just a way to protect the bobcats and mountain lions!)

Crazy place we call home, eh?

The cold didn't keep folks in today, so the St. Jude's Church bazaar was a success and the lunch tables were full.  I helped at the door taking money for purchases, and bought up all the colored lights at the bazaar's Santa's Attic.  (Imagine my surprise when I plugged them in and they're a veritable light show!  I had Christmas music playing, and they seemed to pulse to the beat!)  It was so nice to see so many people, and the support and love they all showed me was deeply touching.  I will say it over and over, if one has to be very ill, Havre is the place to be, because people wrap their arms and hearts around you.

As we will next weekend when all the churches and the Key Club at Havre High raise funds in various ways for three children with difficult health conditions.  I never ask "why me?" because I see children with cancer or MD or other challenges and I know there is no rhyme or reason to any of this.  It's how we face any of it that is important.  And I will support others in any way I can while I can.


  1. Deeply touching. Please keep writing!

  2. Dolan's comment is similar to the reading we heard on Sunday. Peace & Happiness!
