Friday, December 6, 2013

Another goodbye, said too soon

Attending a funeral today for a 61 year old woman.  She taught special ed in the Havre Public Schools for many years, and always presented a smiling face to all.  She will be missed.

Once again, it reminds me we all have only so much time allotted to us, and we should really make the best of it.  While Nelson Mandela set the bar impossibly high for a life well-lived, all of us can make positive steps in our communities.  The legacy of a life well-lived can be simply treating others well, helping children, planting trees, or anything else that brings you out of yourself to make life better for others.

Chrissy made the best of her time here, and her legacy with the children she taught will live long beyond her corporeal self.  Goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. One of the many things I love about you are the trees in front of Sunnyside School. Thank you for being instrumental in the project to beautify our community, the trees will be a gift that keeps giving past our own lifetime.

    Sorry for the loss of Chris, I did not know her, but know she touched many lives.
