Sunday, May 22, 2016

To be or not to be...a juror

I received a notice of jury service. With it comes a questionnaire as to qualifications an an affidavit of excusal. So the question is, do I do my civic duty? I've always wanted to serve as a juror, and was dismissive of those who didn't want to or avoided service. I was glad when the State made having a driver's license the basis for jury duty versus voter registration. So now, when I need to fill out one form or the other, why should I hesitate?

Well, the period of time I'm signing up for runs July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017.  I doubt I'll still be around next year. Also, I have to have someone else fill out the form, mail it, drive me to any jury call. Then, if I am selected, I can listen and serve well. If I have to discuss the case with fellow jurors, I will be hard-pressed to get my words out. So do I fill out the affidavit?

When do I truly face my inability to function in certain circumstances?

So I guess for all concerned I should ask for an excusal.


  1. Pam, being in a jury pool is no guarantee that you will actually be called, although in Havre it's more likely, since the pool is small. I was in a jury pool for city court here, which I would have loved to have participated in, since I know the judge well and would like to see him in action. But I never got called. Then I was in a pool for district court and did get called during a kind of difficult time. I was not selected for that jury. If you were to be called for duty, I think you would find the process fascinating. A lot of it depends on the skills of the attorneys involved, and frankly the type of crime that is being tried. The selection process itself takes at least half a day, and you learn a lot about your ability to be impartial and human nature in general. But I think you would be doing the right thing to ask for an excusal, because that gives someone else the opportunity (?) to take that spot. Also, if you are called and unable to serve, you have to respond to the court prior to the selection process. In your case, they would certainly excuse you from having to appear. I agree with you that it is a duty not to be taken lightly, especially if one has the time. I wish you the best!

  2. Too bad you can't do it by Skype! I was in the federal district court 2 yr jury pool. I made the trek to the court house 13 times but was never chosen. The last time I was in the jury pool, the plaintiff atty asked us if any if us thought $500 was too much to ask for mold damages in a trailer house sold by the defendant. I raised my hand asking why so little. I told them a couple if million dollars is justified and it would make sure the defendant never sold another moldy trailer. Unfortunately I wasn't chosen.

    Bob Schleicher

  3. I think if you want to be considered you should fill it out. I will drive you if you need it :) You would be a wonderful and fair minded juror. It seems they should accommodate you if you desire to serve. But ultimately, it is up to you, good luck in your decision :) .
