Friday, December 25, 2015

A joyful Christmas!

I am so fortunate to love and be loved.

Worked a couple of hours with Nuni and John at MSUN, I am going to miss being there so very much. John's wife has cancer, and is spending Christmas at Benefis hospital. My heart goes out to their whole family. Nuni, John, Amber and I are like a little family. The love and caring is always evident, and emanates from our wonderful leader John.

We had a quiet Christmas Eve, with a lovely Mass at 5, seeing many of our parish and city friends, the watched It's a Wonderful Life and Paul created a delicious feta shrimp over rice dinner. Dolan and Caroline were here with us, and Caroline and Paul made the overnight casserole. Then this morning we slept in til 10. Our gift opening focused on each individual opening their gift, which allows us all to enjoy each other's surprise and pleasure. Then a late brunch with mimosas, and stockings, with our favorite scratch tickets and Montana-themed cookie cutters.
Our lovely tree and bounty of gifts!

I had a bit of a meltdown last night because I was up too late (11:30 pm; out of bed since 9:30 am). Poor Paul; tough for the evening to end on a crying note. Once in bed, though, things settled down. I just have to face that I need much more horizontal time now.

If I see no other Christmas, I can remember this beautiful day. I leave you with a picture of Havre's Town Square Christmas tree.

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