Sunday, June 14, 2015


Keeping my feet elevated to reduce swelling makes me think of those homes where people have plastic covers on their furniture to protect them. (Do people still do that, or did it die off in the '70s?) Elevating my feet does the trick, as medication is not indicated for  PALS as it dries us out. But as soon as I lower my chair, or get out of bed, my feet swell again.  Like the plastic covers, protection is achieved, but life is hampered by the means of protection.  I guess it all goes to the idea of security curtailing liberty. I have to find the happy medium.

I am sitting outside on a breezy Havre day, just watching the birds enjoy the garden as it is watered. Nice that something we do to benefit ourselves has a benefit for birds, too.  I don't think I can say that for the spraying we have done to make the lawn thrive.

I truly could live happily just sitting on my deck-ramp (dramp? reck?) watching the changes in the clouds, the trees, the garden. Then I feel bad that I am not helping with the housework, or yardwork. I can barely fold laundry now, though (who knew towels could be so heavy, or t-shirts so unwieldy?), and that was about the last task I could do. Feeling lazy is very unfamiliar, and quite distressing. Mostly, I think other family members think I am not contributing my fair share. I know they would demur if I asked them directly, so it's likely all in my own perception. Unfortunately, that it what a PALS is stuck with in the end: our perceptions.

Hillary Clinton is in the background doing her campaign ramp-up speech n Paul's computer. I was a Hillary supporter in 2008, and I support her now, although Bernie Sanders holds great appeal to my socialist heart. Still, he would be hard-pressed to win the general. Hillary will have a hard-enough time convincing a paternalistic society that a woman can lead our country, despite ample proof from other first world nations that women lead as well as or better than men. I am hopeful that she will become our first woman President, as she is clearly the best woman running, and her intelligence and ability are head and shoulders above her contenders.  I am appreciative of her (and Bernie's) willingness to take on the rigors of campaigning at an advanced age. I don't know many grandmothers/fathers who would put their country above their own desire to relax and enjoy a life well-lived. Even if ambition drives them, I say thank goodness.  Who else would do this tough business if they didn't have ambition and a desire to serve driving them?

Besides, I don't know that I will see another presidential election, so for me, it's now or never!!! Go, Hillary!!

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