Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Life as a Cat

I thought today how much my existence is like a cat's. I sleep, eat, poop, sleep. I follow the sun and like to nap with it full on my face. I contribute very little and demand people wait on me. True cat existence.

Wait, though. I'm not a cat. I don't ignore things and people I don't want to pay attention to. I am unable to ignore the tension between father and son, or the path Dolan is traveling. I don't have the energy to do much about it, and yet it hangs over me and seeps through my system and causes discomfort. If I could stand out in the rain and let it wash over me after a while it would have the same effect. How do people realize when enough is enough?

The days go by slowly yet I am always surprised by the setting sun. What was my day filled with?

Reading. Currently Sherman Alexie. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. While reading the stories I can understand what a fortunate existence I have, and grieve for the lost lives and culture. In some way it makes dying easier. My life is worth no more or less than countless Indians who have passed and will pass before I do. Perspective.

Listening. I ask Alexa to play NHPR and hear all the news. Very little of it is good, although there might be a cessation of bombing in Syria. That would be a blessing for all concerned. A cessation of violence would be better, but violence is never-ending, as was shown by the Kalamazoo Uber driver yesterday. Then there is the presidential campaign. When the Pope gets involved, you know it's over the top crazy. People have the right to support whomever, but Trump would make a positively repellent president. There are less-objectionable candidates on the Republican side, but none can gain traction against a demagogue like Trump. We all need to read All the Kings Men again. On our side, we have two similar yet different. I will vote my gender, and be justified in doing so. Even if Hillary is not as progressive as Bernie, it is time for a woman. We are the majority, after all.

Eating. Not very much, not very often. Yesterday, slices of ring Bologna and cranberry apple juice at noon, rigatoni at 7 with a small glass of beer. I don't always feel hungry as I can never eat enough to stretch my stomach. Where was this when I was healthy, I ask?! Dang. My last weight was 140, down from 165 (after I got slow from ALS and gained 15). The doctors say I must keep calories going in. I know I should, but I still can't be sad about losing weight. Maybe when I'm under 125, then I'll worry.

Viewing. Too much, too often. Yet losing myself in Netflix, or streaming Downton Abbey or other current shows, allows me to forget for a while my situation. I do find myself envying the ability of the actors to move freely, although fortunately in the same instant I can think of those who are far worse handicapped than me, or who are that way from birth. I am so very fortunate to have had 53 great healthy years.

Napping. Just like Rosie, I spend more and more time napping. I don't mind, really, although. I hate to waste daylight.


  1. No, you are not a cat. I am allergic to cats, and you do not make me sneeze! ;-) You shared what you are reading....if you would like, it would be interesting to hear your list of Top Ten (okay, maybe 15) Must Read books. Kind of a Bucket List for books, in your opinion. I would value your list. :-)

    1. Gloria, here are some of my all-time faves, in no particular order:

      Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon
      An Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
      To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
      The Violet Hour by Katie Rophe
      Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain
      Almost any James Michener book (Centennial, Hawaii)
      Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
      The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff
      The Cunning of History by Richard Rubenstein
      The Nine Nations of North America by Joel Garreau
      Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster (a fave from my pre-teen life!)

      Those are a few. Fun to go through my memory and decide which books particularly resonated with me.

      Thanks for asking!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great analogy! I love cats and thanks for the reading ideas. Love reading your writings. Thanks again for sharing this most difficult journey. Every day is a blessing and we are makers of our own joy. Love you!

    1. Loved our quick visit downtown last Saturday! Love you!
